BRIdge Alfa
The main objective behind the BRIdge Alfa programme implemented by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCfRD) is to provide assistance with regard to commercialisation of the most innovative ideas at early stages of their development.
As part of the second edition of the BRIdge Alfa programme that was finalised in 2016, the support it provided was received by 19 Polish funds, including Kvarko. Kvarko received 24 M to manage with the prospect of allocating the money for the commercialisation of scientific research, R&D works and other forms of transferring innovative solutions to the economy.
Time has shown that typical subsidy instruments are not much effective when it comes to the area of the financing of innovation. Owing to the commitment of Kvarko in terms of searching for promising start-ups, as well as the use of funds originating from BRIdge Alfa, the efficiency of development relating to groundbreaking ideas will be subject to considerable growth.
The premise of the programme is to stimulate the willingness of entrepreneurs to make their investments into the R&D activity, due to which the supply of projects demonstrating potential for commercialisation will be subject to increase. So far, investors have been unwilling to allocate their own resources to risky projects for fear of their loss. Kvarko provides innovative ideas with a possibility for entering the market. Thanks to the fund, visionaries may implement their own research works unobstructed, simultaneously being co-owners of their own companies and patents who do not need to worry about any legal, analytical or business assistance.
Kvarko ASI Sp. z o.o. implements Project co-financed from the European Funds, Task 1.3.1 Operational Program Smart Growth 2014 – 2020, entitled „Strengthening the competitiveness of the national sector of agri-food bioeconomy, as well as forest-wood and environmental sectors by implementing interdisciplinary technological solutions at the preseed stage”
Subsidy contract with the National Centre for Research and Development no: POIR.01.03.01-00-0020/16-00
The Project aims to establish a fund to provide financing for the R&D projects characterised by the innovation of product or process, at their early stage of development (TRL 3-4), in the PoP or PoC phases of its realisation. The projects should represent the branches from the area of Agri-Food, Forestry-Wood and Environmental Bioeconomy.
The value of the Project: 30 000 000,00 zł
The subsidy from the European Funds: 24 000 000,00 zł
Our investments
New vaccines of veterinary use
Prostate biopsy needle
QNA Technology
Quantum dots
Farm Innovations
Technology supporting dairy cattle farming
Digital sales agency
Development and manufacture of nanosattelites
Hotel Application
Support of event-oriented communication for hotels
Simulator of traffic-related behaviour patterns in virtual reality
Hyperlab Solution
Technology for hyperspectral imaging of the Earth
AI supporting recruitment in the IT sector
Captive Portal Installer
Smart WiFi
Brelecton Systems
Automation of laboratory processes
LBL Systems
New kind of 3D printers
Machine learning platform
Vitrotest Europe
Immunoenzymatic diagnostic tests
Process automation
Treatment/prevention of cat runny nose infections
Iwermektyna weszła na polski rynek stosunkowo niedawno. Jednak farmaceuci stykają się z tym lekiem poprzez pacjentów, którzy pytają o tabletki z iwermektyna bez recepty, o których przeczytali w internecie. Iwermektyna posiada szerokie spektrum działania przeciwko pasożytom. Posiada także działanie przeciwzapalne (hamuje wydzielanie cytokin). Iwermektyna jest lekiem potencjalnie skutecznym w leczeniu COVID-19 (zakażeń koronawirusem SARS-CoV-2).